Since we have started in ministry in our teens, we have always felt called to help the people who have been neglected or forgotten by their own families or communities. This has led us to some amazing ministries in America like: opening a youth center, starting a church, fostering, etc. Our hearts haven't changed in that we want to service the parts of the community that the majority of people often neglect, overlook, or forget about.
In our new community we have identified over the past few years that there are two main demographics of people that are most overlooked as well as one way that we can serve our local church here in Africa.
Our hearts are to be able to intervene in the lives of Talibae boys who have been neglected and forgotten by their community, family, and religious system. We have open a center where these young boys can get warm food, a shower, running water, hygiene and medical care, and access to the Word of God. Speaking with one ex-talibé boy regarding his life as a Talibae he said, "Whenever I was a Talibé I would get beat regularly if I did not bring enough money back or memorize the Quran whenever I was supposed to... the running water was only for the adults and not for us children because we were stinky... we were allowed to shower once a year and that was just before Tabaski (probably the largest holiday in our country)..." We want these young boys to know the love of God and the warmth of His grace.
'Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." (James 1:27)
Secondly, we have identified a need for locals to be trained in theology and how to do tangible ministry in their own country. We have started training an aspiring Pastor in formal theological training while partnering with the local church to serve them in theological training. This is a huge passion of ours and we are excited to continue growing locals in a better understanding of the Word of God and how to apply it in their daily lives for the advancement of His Kingdom. We believe "right thinking leads to right actions" thus, theological training is at the crux of us being equipped to serving our country and spreading His Gospel.
1. "The Plight of Talibé Children in Senegal"
2. Urban Poverty and Begging in African Countries. Possible Ways Out
3. Poor Mothers and Begging: How Impoverished Ethiopian Women Support Their Children in the Absence of a Strong State Welfare System
4.The Prevalence of Street Begging in Nigeria and the Counseling Intervention Strategies